
October 29, 2022
James Cameron, an amazing director who brought us the highest-grossing movie of 2009, has re-released Avatar in theaters in order to experience its former glory once more before the release of the sequel, Avatar 2. Avatar was ahead of its time when it was released due to the stunning cinematography and, of course, its well-advanced CGI. Cameron worked alongside some amazing performances brought by the stars Zoe Saldana and Sam Worthington.
The two main characters, Neytiri and Jake Sully, live on the beautiful and lush planet of Pandora, with creatures called the Navi’i who live alongside breathtaking nature. The planet Pandora is home to a poisonous environment that humans can not move freely in unless they link with their Avatar or Na’vi body. Jake Sully is a former Marine who was paralyzed during his service and was offered an opportunity to walk again in his dead twin brother’s Na’vi body. During his time on Pandora, he falls in love with the Chief’s daughter. As he learns about the avatars, he must choose between his human life and his new Na’vi life, trusting in his morale which is truly the victim on the planet of Pandora.
There have been mixed reviews, with the movie from 2009 being re-released in theaters before the release of the sequel. Some Avatar fans find themselves to be thrilled with the fact that they can watch the movie in theaters again, on the big screen. Another number of fans believe that the re-release of Avatar is ridiculous, considering that it is not a new movie. The idea of movie theaters re-releasing movies is a way to prove that there is no more originality within Hollywood anymore. Fans believe it is ridiculous to have a sequel for Avatar since it is basically a repetition of a movie they have already seen.
Even though we see opinions clashing during this time, the movie is doing well economically. Deadline informs us that so far, the re-released film has made an extra 3.5 million dollars at the box office. Regardless, Avatar 2 is releasing on December 16, 2022, and after thirteen years, we will finally be able to see what James Cameron has been working on and how much more of the technology that he is using has improved.