Views and Ideas of Trump: Politics by the Student Body

Aubrey Muddiman, Staff Writer

High school can be treacherous, even more so when politics are brought into the conversation. Current events become a battleground of political opinion, and it seems the fear of discomfort and prejudice prevents students from voicing their own concerns.

Data collected from a recent Wahconah student survey shows evidence of this matter. Not only are students more uncomfortable than not, they are also highly uneducated in some of the nation’s greatest highlights of our current events such as the upcoming presidential election and Donald Trump’s running for president. However, between voting for Trump or other candidates, more than half the student body would rather vote for virtually anyone other than Donald Trump. Furthermore, most students claim that they believe former president Trump would not, in fact, be beneficial to our country, but he would bring more harm to the United States as a whole. Students do seem to agree, though, that they are “ill-informed about what their political opinions mean.”

Some students say that “the lack of knowledge among the student body about politics fuels ignorance.” While others agree and, one came to a conclusion that “the political state of our country right now is really concerning, and at this point, I’m just praying that we don’t end up in another war.”

With the senior class graduating and the rest of us not far behind, taking our country into our own hands and making the best decisions possible with what little power we have is the way to move forward. But we can’t do that without proper education about the leaders of our nation and current, national events.