Super Blue moons are a rare lunar event that happens irregularly but occurs roughly once every ten years. The most recent one was August 30th, 2023. They are big, bright moons that can easily be seen in the sky, according to NASA they appear fourteen percent larger in the sky. The comparable difference is a nickel to a quarter.
While the moon isn’t actually blue, it’s called a blue moon because it’s the second full moon in a singular month. Also according to NASA, only three percent of full moons are blue moons. Since there are roughly 12 lunar cycles per year that means that in one year there is a .36% chance of a blue moon, making them decently rare.
Super Blue moons however are so much rarer, a Super Blue moon occurs when a Supermoon is the second full moon in a month. Supermoons aren’t that rare, they are just when the moon orbits closer to the earth and its center than normal. However, the combo of both a Supermoon and a Blue moon happening at the same time is rare and the next one doesn’t take place until January 2037, and another in March 2037, which is an incredible lunar phenomenon.