Spring recipe: Mini Strawberry Cheesecakes

Paetyn Tatro, Staffwriter

Recipe per bar of cream cheese:

  • Cream cheese bar
  • 1/4 cup sugar 
  • 1 egg
  • 1/ 2 teaspoon vanilla extract 
  • Nilla brand vanilla wafers 
  • 1-2 cans of your pie filling of choice (I used strawberry)
  • Will also require a gallon Ziploc bag

(To make a full batch 2 bars of cream cheese are needed)


  1. Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix until most of the cream cheese is broken up 
  2. After the cream cheese is mostly broken up switch to an automatic/mechanical whisk and whisk until the batter is a smooth texture 
  3. While the batter is being whisked line 2 cupcake trays and place a single vanilla wafer round side up per cupcake liner and preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit 
  4. After the batter is whisked smooth, place all the batter into a gallon-sized Ziploc bag and snip one of the corners
  5. Take the batter and fill each liner 3/4 of the way with it
  6. Place trays into the oven and let cook for 20-40 minutes or until golden brown
    (depending on how full each cupcake liner is the cooking time will vary)
  7. While the cheesecakes are in the oven, place the pie filling into a bowl and let it sit in the fridge until the cheesecakes are done cooking 
  8. Pull cheesecakes out of the oven and let sit until fully room temperature (around 15-20 minutes)
  9. After the cheesecakes are done cooling place at least 2 teaspoons (tsp) of pie filling on top of each cheesecake 
  10. Once done enjoy the cheesecakes and place any remaining in the fridge to stay fresh